Since the Fall of Baûl, the kingdoms
of Alina have undergone a great deal of change, especially those of Men.
No longer under the maniacal and oppressive thumb of the Dark Emperor,
humans had a great exodus from the ancient lands of Ruûn: to the
North, settling below the Mountains of the Unknown; to the West, establishing
a series of independent city-states, and across the sea to the South, carving
a hard life from the barren desertsof the southern peninsula.
In contrast, the demi-human kingdoms have been much slower to re-establish themselves. Any gnome lands have almost completely disappeared and the race now makes its homes amongst humankind. The halfling peoples have retreated to the quiet burrows and grazing lands in the Eastern Praries. For most of the past millennia, the dwarven kingdoms have been completely absorbed with rebuilding their vast realms in the Alinian underdark - they have only just begun to return to the surface. Only the most ancient elfin kingdom of Lorn remains of the myriad elfin lands, governing over the western portion of the Great Forest and vehemently excluding itself from the destructive forces of Man. |
Stephen Ruûn Kyrst Iovia Armaugh Demi-Human Kingdoms
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