
The Nworadi
The Knights of Goranthor

The Nworadi verge on the dubious status of a secret society, such as the Templar of medieval Europe, or the Masons of the 18th and 19th century.  They are a group of Goranthite paladins dedicated to the protection of Lorn, the only extant elfin nation. They are small, but powerful and organized.  Much of their activity is clandestine, and despite the fact that majority of Nworadi are elves, the Order prefers its affairs to remain largely removed from the public eye, for what the innocent may know, so may the foul goblinoid hordes.  The Order itself is cloaked in secrecy, half-truths and myth; the curious are usually lead far astray by deliberate and not-so-deliberate misinformation, though some just mysteriously disappear.
        The Nworadi cause King Hælor not a little unease, for although they seem to support his policies of isolationism and the unity of the elfin peoples, they are a small but tremendously powerful force who have made it very evident that they serve their god Goranthor and the welfare of the people of Lorn before any crown.
         The Nworadi are composed largely of paladins of the elfin god Goranthor, but their ranks also include a handful of Goranthite priests and clerics, and even an occasional truly devoted fighter.  The Nworadi are purely elfin – there is not a single non-elf or even half-elf among their ranks.  They also have a number of friends and supporters among the Lornian nobility who are devoted to the Nworadian cause, but rightfully feel ill at ease openly supporting an organization upon which the King looks with disfavor.
         Many people know of, fear and respect the Nworadi, but few indeed know many specifics about the order.  Frequently its members led double lives, and all members have a name known only by their fellow Nworadi.  Also, upon entering the organization, a number of Nworadi completely remove themselves from society at large in order to totally devote themselves to the Order.

Using the Nworadi in Your Campaign
        The Nworadi stand in a precarious position.  They can easily become an oppressive secret society much like the present day Ku Klux Klan: deep-rooted and immensely powerful through both clandestine planning, pure brute force and political savvy.  On the other hand, the Nworadi are Lorn’s first and best defense against an invasion of any kind – and they are active in their defense.  Nworadi are commonly sent out into the wilderness and other kingdoms for reconnaissance and to aid other Lornians citizens in need.  It may be interesting to play the Nworadi as the Masons of the 19th century: a mighty respected fraternal society cloaked in secrecy that has now become mistrusted and feared, perhaps for good reason, perhaps for none.
         PCs may encounter a Nworad in need of assistance – or they may even attempt to enlist the Order to come to their own aid.  In the former case, the Nworad will be properly grateful, for despite the shadow of mystery that looms over the Order, Nworadi have a strict sense of honor and conduct.  He pledge the PCs his –and possibly the Order’s – help in the future.  In the latter case, the largest hurdle will be actually locating a member, or anyone who will actually know something concrete about the Order and be willing to admit it.  But, the PCs may have a good cause, though the Nworadi will always make their own decisions.  However, the Order does nothing for free: they will consider the PCs indebted to them, and may call for the repayment of the debt at any (inconvenient) time.
         Your PCs may even be enlisted by the Nworadi in may ways.  They may be hired as guards to accompany a supporter of the Order, or as simple explorers, or even as spies to work either in Lorn or abroad.  However, it is doubtful that the PCs will ever know they are working for the Nworadi, even after repeated contact.  The Order places a great priority on its anonymity.  The PCs may only discover the identity of their employers, or even benefactors only when they deeply involved in the Nworadi’s clandestine machinations.

Symbols: Black and gold; a gauntleted fist holding the blade of a sword, all in gold, upon a black shield.  Often members are given a ring or a small medallion with this crest upon it.

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