The Kingdom of Stephen: Wilderness                                                            The Atlas    Major Kingdoms    Stephen
While the Central Plains and the Dale Prairies provide for much the farming and grazing lands of the kingdom, forest dominates at least half of Stephen, providing for both a thriving timber and trapping trade and a thick and formidable untamed frontier.
Black Forest
Golden Forest
Forest of the Unicorn
Forest of the Druid
Great Forest
Northern Plains
Reeking Fens
Darkened Forest

The Black Forest lies in the northeast corner of Stephen, pressing tightly against the Mountains of the Unknown, with slowly-diminishing fingers that stretch out into the plains.  The Black Forest is the last vestige of elfin population within the kingdom of Stephen, though very few of them swear allegiance to its banner and none pay taxes.  They are a conveniently forgotten minority as human lumberjacks and their villages move deeper and deeper into the Forest.  There seems to be a trickling exodus of the elves of the Black Forest; to where they go no one knows, and few seem to care.  But there are fewer and fewer elf-lumberjack encounters as the years go by.  As humans reach further and further into the ancient depths of the Forest, who knows what elfin treasures may have been left behind – or what has been left to guard them.

The Golden Forest nestles itself elegantly between the East fork of the Mountains of the Unknown and the River Sern, reaching from the elfin shadows of the Black Forest to merge with the Great Forest at the southern border of Stephen.  The Golden Forest is so named for its trees, or to be exact, the color that its trees seem to turn in the proper light.  Indeed, as one travels through the Forest during either the summer or autumn months, the trees, leafs, branches, trunks and all shine a glorious and almost blinding gold at sunset.  For this reason timber from the Golden Forest is highly prized and viciously lumbered.  The Golden Forest is home to a number of sylvan and other magical creatures, and save for the forays of human lumberjacks, it remains a pristine and breathtaking place.

The Forest of the Unicorn lies in the southwest corner of Stephen, a small patch of quickly receding forest just to the west of Aarunvale.  It derives its name from a single herd of unicorns that still dwell deep within the Forest.

The Forest of the Druid is another patch of forest just north of the Forest of the Unicorn.  The two forests were once a single whole, called Fueré-Gai (few-RAY-guy) by the elves.  Duketon, a thin swath hewn by human axes and sweat, separates them now.  It is within this dwindling domain that the arch-druid of Stephen maintains his home, waging a silent war against the onslaught of humanity.  It is his dream to someday reunite the two Forests and see the magic of Fueré-Gai reborn.

The Great Forest while more a border than a domain to the people of Stephen, the Great Forest sprawls across the entire southern border, separating it from Kyrst and Iovia to the south.  The kingdom of Stephen wisely lays no claims to the Great Forest, and is indeed reluctant to patrol or regulate its traffic or inhabitants in anyway.  Wild elves thrive throughout this portion of the Great Forest, answering to no authority but their own tribal leaders and shamans.

The Northern Plains, hidden to the north of the towering Mountains of the Unknown, is a desolate area for most of the year: the winters are harsh, spring and autumn bring little more than fierce winds whipping from the northeast across the plains and freezing rain.  During the brief summer, however, the Northern Plains are a cornicopia of life and growth.  The drastic weather shift every year has created some dense swamps and fens scattered throughout the plains.  The Northern Plains, it should be noted, stand on the very fringe of Stephen's borders, a thin barrier bewteen human civilization and the untamed wilds of the North.  (See Fyr Kohpitol and Kol.)

The Reeking Fens lie upon the eastern border of Stephen, nestled between the Halfling Plains and the eastern arm of the Mountains of the Unknown.  The fens, appropriate to their name, do emit a horrible odor which serves to place yet another natural boundary between the halfling dales and Stephen.  Beyond the simple stench, horrid monsters and evil tribes of savage half-men, half-lizards are said to lurk about the swamps and fens.  Despite all this, brave (or foolish) merchants and travelers still brave the purported dangers of the Fens and the Darkened Forest, and have established a bit of a stop-over and hold-out of humanity at the Bhyd Outpost.

The Darkened Forest seems to be something of an extension of the wretched evil of the Reeking Fens that lie along its northern edge.  The trees of this mockery of a forest are twisted and stunted, as if fighting amongst themselves.  Most bear thorns and some have flowers which are poisonous to the touch.  Only the most wretched of creatures dwells within the Darkened Forest, it is shunned even by the vile lizard man tribes of the Reeking Fens.

copyright november, 1999 noah mclaughlin