The Kingdom of Stephen: Cities and Townes                                         The Atlas    Major Kingdoms    Stephen
Nyr Kôhpitol
Fyr Kôhpitol
Bhyd Outpost

Fyr Kôhpitol
        The land: The small town of Fyr Kôhpitol lies surrounded by frost-bitten hills and frozen and death-like marshes, forever trembling in the great grey shadow of the Mountains of the Unknown to the south and west.  To the north and east, the Frost Plains, only slightly more fertile and hospitable than tundra, stretch to the horizon.  Fyr Kôhpitol is far removed from most civilization, lucky only to be lying upon the Pilgrim's Way, though few traffic the Way anywhere north of the Mountains of the Unknown.
        The lord: Duke Adolph Braezon is a direct descendent of the original, deeply religious settlers who founded Fyr Kôhpitol.  He is a deeply pious man, and always greatly concerned about the tenuous welfare of this people.  He is a farmer and a member of the local clergy of Halüt: a simple man, but a popular and capable leader.
        The people: Discontented with the lack of piety that began to infiltrate the people of Stephen (whose originall settlers were discontented and persectued pilgrims themselves.)  The founders of Fyr Kôhpitol gathered themselves together from the Central Plains and plateau surrounding Nyr Kôhpitol some three hundred years ago, and moved to a place where the ease of city life or fertile plains would not interfere with their religious zeal.  The harshness of the Frost Plains struck a resilent chord with these pilgrims, and for generations since, the people of Fyr Kôhpitol have lead deeply pious but successful lives inspite of anyone's expectations.

   Stephen   Major Kingdoms    Atlas

        The land: Easily the most remote and removed of all of the regions that claim loyalty to the Stephenian crown, the city of Kôl lies two days east of Fyr Kôhpitol, as the crow flies - deep into the Frost Plains, but still overshadowed by an snaking arm of the Mountians of the Unknown.  Farming is almost impossible in the harsh weather and rocky hills that surround Kôl, but it is not for their potatoes that Kôl is so renown.  The hills and nearby mountains are rich with valuable ores that are carted out of Kôl as quickly as caravans can make the arduous journey across the Mountains of the Unknown and frostbitten Frost Plains..
        The lord: Despite its apparent size (or lack thereof), Duke Firbund Dysc is well aware of the value of his duchy, and guards it carefully.  The township of Kôl itself is actually walled, and patroled diilgently by a Watch and militia who are well aware of the civic problems that can erupt in a boom-town such as Kôl.  Duke Dysc rules with an iron fist and a watchful eye.  Dwarves are valuable to him as expert miners and gnomes as jewelers and craftsmen, and all others are seen only as potential tools to the duke, human or otherwise.
        The people: A surprising mixture runs riot throughout Kôl: dwarven miners, gnomish jewelers, human entrepeneurs and solicitors of all calls and kinds.  Kôl fairly bustles with tension and coins, often an explosive mix that the town's Watch deals with severely.

   Stephen   Major Kingdoms    Atlas

Bhyd Outpost
        The land: Though not a duchy, the Bhyd Outpost requires notice.  Lying on just the other side of eastern arm of the Mountains of the Unknown, the outpost is besieged by the Reeking Fens and the Darkened Forest.  Yet it serves an important purpose as a way-point between the human civilization of the kingdom of Stephen and wild rolling hills of the Halfling Prairies.
        The lord: The Bhyd Outpost has no ruling duke or duchess, but an enterprising young man by the name of Yurek Rutz has taken it upon himself to raise a small militia and attempt to keep order in the raucous and riotous outpost.  While Yurek has no official power from any government or noble, the regulars of the outpost seem to defer to him in many matters, and his rack and shamble militia (comprised mostly of outlaws and advernturers-in-debt) seems to do a decent job of keeping the horrors of the Reeking Fens and the Darkened Forest from encroaching onto the small light of civilization.
        The people: Few - very few - people call the Bhyd Outpost their home: perhaps a tavern keeper or two, a madame for a brothel and a few merchants seeking shelter for a winter.  But, most people move on, usually sooner rather than later.  None the less, the Bhyd Outpost has a fair population, no matter how liquid.  Merchants bearing strange goods come from the coast of Ocea Damum and the Halfling Prairies, and others carry elfin goods from the western coast of Alina.  Nomads, itinerants the usual ilk of adenturers abound.

   Stephen   Major Kingdoms    Atlas

copyright january 2000
noah mclaughlin