X. EpilougeThe AlinyuSo the world stands today: Baûl is an indelible stain upon the
world's conciousness, along with Grüge and the horrors of the Orcish
and Goblinoid hordes in the collective mind of the Elder Races. Yet, so
much of the history of Alina, so much arcane knowldge of the Elder
Races has been lost in the Age of Shadow, in the dark oppressiveness
of Baûl's reign.
The Elder Races, the elves, dwarves, halflings and gnomes, have
been slow to recover from the Age of Shadow. Of the myriad elfin
lands there remains none but the ancient kingdom of Lorn. Elves of
Great Forest have been reduced to almost to nomadic barbarism.
The dwarven peoples have retreated to their lairs deep in the
Underearth, forming loose confederacies to battle to the terrors that
lurk deepwith Gaia herself. Halflings have retreated to their native lands
as well, isolating themselves from contagion of humanity's touch.
Gnomish lands have all but disappeared, there remain only small
pockets and communities sprinkeled about the world. However,
gnomes, with their great intelligence and insatiable curiosity, have
managed to integrate themslves into many societies of the the other
races, especially those of the human peoples.
Humans, on the other hand, have flourished. Their kingdoms have
grown rapidly since the Great Exodus, and their magical and
technological advances have begun to approach even those of the Elder
Races. Yet, the near-sightedness and violence of humanity has given
them a great handicap. Relations between the human peoples and the
Elder Races are strained at best, as both sides still remember the
wounds of the Age of Shadow.
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