The Alinyu
IX. The Great Exodus & the Coming of the Caretaker

        The fall of the Dark Emperor Baûl at the hands of band a vengeful
heroes was indeed a joyous day on the world of Alina.  Yet the joy
faded quickly as the devastation of the Age of Shadow became evident
in the glaring light of liberation.  In the wake of Baûl's defeat his
goblinoid minions and several of his closest advisors disappeared into
the mountains and marshes yet again.  They cursed their victors and
took much of Baûl's arcane power with them, dividing and dispersing it
throughout the world.
        A great stain of Baûl was left upon the whole of Alina, but it was
greatest felt in the Kingdom of Ruûn, the heart of his evil empire.  Such
originated the Great Exodus: fleeing the horrible memories of the Dark
Emperor, humans left the kingdom of Ruûn in droves, making great
pilgrimages far to the north and south, to the frozen Blood Sea and the
ravaged land of Kyrgaärd.  A great deal of land was left empty in the
wake of Baûl, whose reign had wreaked enormous havoc upon the
lands and people of the Elder Races.
        For a great number of generations, even unto the present day a
lasting peace has pervaded among the exhausted peoples of Alina,
humans and Elder Races alike.  Yet, as the Kyie has watched from his
magical abode, he has known that such a peace cannot last, the Balance
cannot maintain itself forever in such a manner.  Yet, again, he could not
place his own power and person upon Alina at every moment to
maintain the fragile Balance, to steady the sway of the Pendulum.
        His enigma ws solved as the Kyie's son, Narkim, came of age.
Narkim was swiftly indoctrinated in the powerful ways of the Kyie's
ancient magicks and also in the philosophy of the Balance.  After many
years of diligent training and great hardship, with the gift of a magical
amulet, Narkim was appointed the Caretaker of Alina: an agent of the
Kyie whose magical power would be effective in the sway and tide of
the fate of kingdoms, yet not so damaging as that of the god-like Creator.
The Balance could now be more easily maintained, the Pendulum
steadied with an agent of the Kyie forever present upon the world.
        Yet, to many the Caretaker is little more than a myth. He does not
manifest himself directly.  Indeed, of those who claim to have ever
encountered the Caretaker, few can agree upon his appearance or
powers.  Some claim he is a fair-haired elfin wizards, clad in violet robes
and carrying a magnificent staff, others describe him as a simple druid in
a tattered grey cloak; still others claim the Caretaker is a black-haired
man in black robes who carries a great magical sword and has a nervous
manner.  Visions of the Caretaker are sporadic at best; there are even
theories that are presently more than a single Caretaker, that numerous
agents of the Kyie are littered throughout the world, meticulously
maintaining the Balance through means as covert as possible.

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copyright february, 2000
noah mclaughlin