The Kingdom of Lorn: The Modi                                                                                                Lorn    History  Map

The Modi
The Dark Elves of Alina

After the defeat of the Orcish Hordes, the elves of the Dévum Vale, more than any of their kin, agitated still against the invaders.  Leaving their brethren behind on the surface, the Dévum elves followed the retreating monsters into the desolate underground holds in the Ire-dae.
         Lead on by their incredible zeal, the Dévum elves hunted and harried their foes deep into the Underdark, through vast underground caverns and strange labyrinths.  Though after many years their slaughter was complete, the Dévum elves found themselves far removed from their past home on the surface, deep in a strange and alien world.  Worse, these fanatic warriors suddenly found themselves at the evil mercy of a might and unexpected foe: the fear and reviled Mind Flayers – the terrible race of beings whose magic and psionic might brought many races of the Underdark to deal for millennia.
         The Dévum elves were swiftly overpowered and enslaved by the Illithid and then incorporated into their vast underground empire.  For many centuries, through the War of the Goblinoid Hordes, and the reigns of both Grüge and Baûl, the elves remained under the heel of their Illithid masters.  Yet, during the Age of Shadow, the undoing of the Illithid empire was sown; for, as the surface world grew dark with evil, the Mind Flayers reached forth from the secure depths of the Underdark and found the Reign of Baûl welcoming to their twisted ways and wicked powers.  Here the Illithid empire came to its zenith, pushing its enslaved peoples to further depths of depravity and desolation.
         Yet, from this great height, the Fall of Baûl brought with him the great Illithids as well.  Left now vulnerable with the death of their greatest ally, the Mind Flayer’s slaves surged in popular rebellion, crushing their former masters underfoot.  Utterly defeated, the Illithids withdrew, retreating far into the depths of the Underdark, or possibly away from Alina altogether.
         Of all the newly-liberated races, the Dévum elves, now corrupted, beaten and twisted, swiftly made themselves heir-apparent to the great Illithid empire.  Adept at magic and ruthless from millennia of oppression, the Dark Elves – as the surface dwellers now called them – began to terrorize the Underdark anew.
 The elfin peoples on the surface now call the Dévum elves the Modi, the Cursed.  While somewhere well hidden in the elfin consciousness there is an acknowledgement of fraternity, the Modi have become so twisted and violent that there exists only great animosity between the two strains of the noble elfin race.
         Like many of the dark elves of other worlds, the Modi – or the Konqirs, as they call themselves – worship the demon goddess Llolth.  Their civilization is a rigid matriarchy and in many ways follows in the oppressive footsteps their former Illithid masters.  Slavery is common and social status follows a strict hierarchy with sharp divisions between the lower and upper classes.  The magical and artistic achievements of the Konqir people are perhaps unparalleled in any other Alinian civilization, as one compliments the other in a strange and otherworldly way inherited perhaps from their masters of old.
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copyright april, 2000
noah mclaughlin